It's also configured with components, so there's no code required for basic use. Made for PROCJAM 2017 | Thanks to our Kickstarter backers . Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. I'm interested in porting this to Haxe but am struggling to understand the math behind the algorithm (keep falling down the rabbit hole of complex mathematical concepts). Then, the amplitude of the wave function at a position in space is represented by its associated dot in the complex plane. Create an empty named output and add an Overlap WFC component to it. We'll also need a Resources directory for our tile objects. WFC's special approach to constraint solving is a process of elimination. If we remeasure the position after a wave has collapsed, then, just like the wave function, the probabilistic density function is localized at the position where the wave function first collapsed. You calculate the evolution of the density matrix (instead of the wavefunction), and it's always a deterministic PDE, even during "measurement". If you're designing a dungeon, floor variants can be included to encourage the emergence of larger rooms. Here is an introduction to the theory. Generating Procedural Game Worlds with Wave Function Collapse. Inefficient iterative check-in MkWFC model that does some repetition on the input sample during constraint identification. In other words, what triggers the collapse? This is a direct consequence of their relationship through the Fourier transform. Note that the greater the wavenumber, the more energy is associated to it. Once you're set up, you'll be able to create a variety of procedural pattern types in minutes. Wave Function Collapse (WFC) is a constraint solving algorithm named after the quantum physics wave superposition concept. Thus, stationary states involve only such rotations. Ex 5. Ex 6. With python, this can be as simple as opening a terminal in the project directory and running python3 -m http.server 8999 or python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8999. We will be using visualizations of my own creation based on the mathematics of quantum mechanics. Key properties of a Markov process are that it is random and that each step in the process is "memoryless;" in other words, the future state depends only on the current state of the process and not the past. To eliminate this scalability tradeoff, MkWFC performs an automation step to infer the constraints rather than use a manually generated meta-data file. N (int) represents the width & height of the patterns that the overlap model breaks the input into. . As can be seen, the images follow the rules in the input and procedurally generate outputs that fit into those constraints similar to TWFC, except in the case of MkWFC, these constraints are inferred from the image. This means that the green position is one of the most likely position where the wave may collapse to if observed. This dot is colored by the color associated to the position in space. Approaches which seem more promising to me on a mathematical viewpoint involve quantum information theory or particles going back in time. WFC consists of two parts, an input Model and a constraint Solver. Wave Function Collapse (WFC) is a procedural content generation algorithm developed by Max Gumin in 2015. From this data, we can infer that MkWFC can do better than TWFC in all cases when identifying constraint information from a set of input sample images as opposed to curating the meta-data manually. However, it is interesting to note that with constraints on the symmetries permitted for the kernels, we can control the type of outputs. In our demo, this will result in a blank canvas, and the success var being false. More interestingly, in an atom, the positive charges of a nucleus affect the potential energies of wave functions of electrons, which in turns modify the Hamiltonian. After you've included the WFC code in your project and made sure it compiles, you're ready to test some input. They also only work with unidirectional tiles, and are undesirable when your final game tiles have direction dependent graphics or functionality. This toolbox supplies functions for evaluating . More precisely the energy of the wave is the number of turns it makes in a second multiplied by Plancks constant. Now let's feed the ImageData into an OverlappingModel. So whats the probabilistic distribution of a wave function? Logging was done inefficiently which took up too much time during data analysis. Any idea how I can start? This article follows my article on the essence of quantum mechanics, where I pointed out that everything is made of elementary waves. And the decomposition is given by the Fourier transform. Even though I can prove it mathematically, I have no understanding of the fundamental reason why Schrdinger equation links average position and average momentum. Weirdly enough, the mere knowledge of the amplitudes of positions determine the amplitudes of momenta! Sorry for the long detour. So the energy of a wave is the speed at which it rotates? Phys.Org. Let's try this out for our demo, converting the ImageData into a simple array of arrays, which hold a single number representing their tile type. This corresponds to whats known as the time-independent Schrdinger equation: Exactly! In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. The traditional approach to this sort of output is to hand code algorithms that generate features, and combine them to alter your game map. Indeed, at the scale we are looking at, distances are so short that stationary states are reached in such a small fraction of time that we can only observe these equilibria. artist Maxim Gumin proposed the wave function collapse (WFC)[23] algorithm in 2016, which is one of the texture synthesis techniques. But quantum mechanics rather says that when the wave is very localized, then the wave has a superposition of a large range of momenta. It's usefull for creating things like tileable textures, but also has a surprising influence on the output. It has been widely taught worldwide. Now we'll need a tileset. By eliminating the iterative kernel identification process, the TWFC model generates procedural outputs faster than the OWFC model. Ive heard something about the impossibility of knowing both position and momentum Is it true? Debug tests with small inputs and small outputs before adding complexity to the pipeline. This is great for quick inspection or texture generation, but for a game project we usually have a specific data format we like to work with to describe our worlds. On one hand, there is the deterministic revertible Schrdinger equation. Adding prefabs to its palette property will display them below the image area, where they can be sampled by clicking them with the S key. Since there are only two spins, this means that there are at most two electrons with the same wave function. Arrows drawn on the wave represent the velocity at which each point of the wave moves: Now, for a wave to be stationary, the velocity at any given point must be perpendicular to the vector from the origin to that point. NOTE: For this tuturial, we'll be focusing on the Overlap Model, as it's easier to create input for. It has been widely taught worldwide. Download Citation | On Jan 1, 2021, Pronay Peddiraju and others published Procedural Image Generation Using Markov Wave Function Collapse | Find, read and cite all the research you need on . At least, thats how I like to think about this, since, apparently, at least on the web, this is controversial. Beware that Im going to use the word spectrum to talk about the range in space described by the figure. The collapse of the wave function is a central problem which physicists continue to explore. While I encourage you to explore the relation between input and output, there are a few tricks discovered by the community that can give you more control on the results. But the amplitude of the wave function is rather a complex number. Now, I have been using the word probabilistic, but you dont need to mention probability to describe the spreading of the wave function. Here is an introduction to the theory. This is the core of the measurement problem. NOTE: For this tuturial, we'll be focusing on the Overlap Model, as it's easier to create input for. Instead, to account for a rate of occurrence, TWFC requires this information to be some tile frequency or tile weight in the meta-data file. These kernels are then overlapped to determine the possible occurrences of pixels in the output. A good starting image is something like: Load your index in a browser, then open the developer console and test the img_url_to_data function: If you'd opened the index.html file directly in your browser, then at this point you'll see an error message like: This is because it's a security violation for javascript to have access to resources from outside the same domain. If an observation & propagation result in an unsolvable contradiction, they're reverted and a different observation is attempted. This corresponds to the following formula: From Schrdinger equation can be derived the fact that the average position varies according to the average momentum. Base pairs on the rung of a DNA ladder. An assortment of functions and a class to efficiently and easily evaluate and analyze Markov Chains. The recursive nature of OWFC occurs when entropy resolution on a pixel requires propagation of this information to all neighboring pixels, who will then need to propagate their manipulation to their neighboring pixels and so on. Markov Chains are a tool used to calculate probabilities of entering a state given their previous state. . Wave Function Collapse (WFC) by @exutumno is a new algorithm that can generate procedural patterns from a sample image. WFC is especially exciting for the game jam community, where time is limited. Unlike OWFC however, TWFC has no way of identifying the rate of occurrence for kernels (in this case tiles) occurring in input as there is no input image. For instance, the Hamiltonian is the operator associated to energy. 2016 par L Nguyn Hoang, avec Wordpress. We're using a modified version of kchapelier's javascript port, which has been edited into a single file to make things a little quicker to set up. It is able to produce larger texture from a smaller input while The basis of all frequencies comes from trigonometric waves. Because of this equation, eigenvectors and eigenvalues plays an essential role in quantum mechanics. Since rotational speed is often rather measured in radians per second, physicists often prefer to use reduced Plancks constant $\hbar$, which is therefore $\hbar = h/(2\pi)$. Maxim Gumin first implemented WFC using C# to incorporate a texture synthesis constraint solving PCG algorithm. On each step the number of non-zero coefficients decreases and in the end we have a completely observed state, the wave function has collapsed. Note that these weights can actually take complex numbers. The name Wave Function Collapse refers to the quantum mechanics process of changing the superposition of the wave function due to the presence of the observer. We'll take a look at the kinds of output WFC can produce and the meaning of the algorithm's parameters. It's Training component should hook up to the input you've created. It's especially exciting for game designers, letting us draw our ideas instead of hand coding them. According to this, any wave is uniquely decomposable into an infinite superposition of trigonometric waves of different frequencies. The results of the algorithm are convincing as the constraint solving texture synthesis maintains the constraints in output. This is powerful but time consuming, and your original vision can sometimes get lost during the process. A measurement then collapses the wave into the wave function corresponding to the measured value. Markov chains, named after Andrey Markov, a stochastic model that depicts a sequence of possible events where predictions or probabilities for the next state are based solely on its previous event state, not the states before. This means that, for any wave and any frequency, the wave is composed of a certain amount of the trigonometric wave of that frequency. So far, we have described the position of the particle. If it went clockwise, it would be negative. I invite everyone interested in some coding challenges to implement one . In fact, by considering that the weight of trigonometric waves which dont appear on the right is 0, we can consider this output as a matching of every wavenumber with an amplitude. I'm not sure I quite understand that bit. As a result, the wave function becomes very localized, which implies that the momentum space wave function is greatly spread. The superpositions and collapses of spins can thus be described by simple vectors and matrices. limit (int) is how many iterations to run, providing 0 will run until completion or a contradiction. Reply . Im not sure I really understand the second representation What would a collapsed wave function look like in this complex plane representation? These objects are studied by. A good starting image is something like: Load your index in a browser, then open the developer console and test the img_url_to_data function: If you'd opened the index.html file directly in your browser, then at this point you'll see an error message like: This is because it's a security violation for javascript to have access to resources from outside the same domain. This spectrum has absolutely nothing to do with the physical spectrum of frequencies of light. You should see a round blue gizmo at the center of every tile within it's bounds. In our demo, this will result in a blank canvas, and the success var being false. How is the spreading of a wave function measured? It let's you play the part of the observation phase and animates the propagation after you select a grid value. Adding prefabs to it's palette property will display them below the image area, where they can be sampled by clicking them with the S key. After you've included the WFC code in your project and made sure it compiles, you're ready to test some input. Precisely! Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Besides the words, we take . This means that the wave function is very localized around this position, and nearly nil anywhere else. For example you could sprinkle some trees at random coordinates, draw roads with a brownian motion, and add rooms with a Binary Space Partition. Came here looking for a . Approach 2: Modification of probability and entropy, 3.3.1. The momentum is proportional to the wavenumber! In the complex plane, the trigonometric waves are the simplest periodic paths one can think of: Circles. The following figure displays the possible collapses of a wave function, where bolder arrows correspond to more likely collapses. This has been done by Derek Muller on Veritasium in a very simple experiment! There's also an aspect of collaboration with the machine, as the resulting output can be surprising and sometimes lead you to change your design. This is a big assumption of quantum mechanics, which then describes how these waves behave through time. Because of Paulis exclusion principle, two electrons cannot be in the same quantum state. I plan on writing an article on the amazing structure of Hilbert spaces later! While I encourage you to explore the relation between input and output, there are a few tricks discovered by the community that can give you more control on the results. Now, what Schrdinger equation says is that, at every position, the wave function rotates around the origin of the complex plane at a speed proportional to the Hamiltonian. Basically, the Fourier transform provides a description of any wave, like the one on the left, by an infinite combination of trigonometric waves, like those on the right: In this figure, the greater the wavenumber, the more arrows I have put on the trigonometric functions. The constraints are neighborhood relationship information between 2 distinct tiles and their orientations. Although this introduces an overhead in terms of execution time, by automating the non-trivial step of constraint identification, MkWFC simplifies the meta-data required making the algorithm scalable. In other words, Plancks constant is the energy of a wave which turns at the speed of 1 turn per second. Cryptography and Quantum Physics Cryptography and Quantum PhysicsBy Scott McKinney | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 2697Recent discoveries in the branch of physics known as quantum mechanics have powerful applications in the field of network security - they have the potential to break forms of internet security based on mathematics such as the RSA algorithm, and also present new ways to safely send information. Wait a minute Momenta are defined as the Fourier transform of the wave functions But do they still have the meaning they had in classical mechanics? // input, width, height, N, outputWidth, outputHeight, periodicInput, periodicOutput, symmetry, ground. Thus, almost surely, a second measurement will provide the same wave function, and hence the same results. The final feature is backtracking. These two conditions correspond to the Hamiltonian at position being proportional to the wave function at this position with a real-valued proportionality coefficient independent from this position. Heres an image illustrating the some of the tiles provided as input to TWFC and the corresponding outputs generated in different sizes: To achieve this, TWFC needed some changes in its logic, specifically using the constraints provided by meta-data as opposed to identifying said constraints from input sample images. Because of their time efficiency, there is more effort put into developing new algorithms. Instead of using image files for input and output, it works with arrangements of prefab GameObjects. Since loading an image source is not instant, we'll use a callback function that is invoked when the data has been loaded. Equivalently, it is the inverse of the spatial period, as displayed below. Because js maps can only have string keys, we'll assume the color array has been joined with ":". Instead, MkWFC uses the tile information to observe some input images provided in meta-data to determine constraints that would be used by TWFC. This is great for quick inspection or texture generation, but for a game project we usually have a specific data format we like to work with to describe our worlds. But anyways, the greatest applications of Schrdinger equation rather concern the calculations of stationary states. If you can, please write about this! Markov chains illustrate many of the important ideas of stochastic processes in an elementary setting. This model solves some of the problems of OWFC, by changing some of the inputs fed to the algorithm while maintaining the process involved in resolving the constraints used. We need to use the Fourier analysis. But there are other observations which cant be explained without the other half of quantum mechanics. Each grid location holds an array of booleans for what tiles it can and cannot be. Equivalently, we can focus on its momentum. Collapse is one of the two processes by which quantum systems evolve in time; the other is the . This article does. Im not sure what the Fourier transform stands for in this picture? In the figure above, the most likely collapses correspond to positions blue, green and red, because the distances from the origin to the value of the wave function at these points are greater. While you can tweak your input to increase the chances for full solutions, another strategy is to retry the algorithm until it can complete. Although difficult to solve, this equation can be considered as a classical one. This equation is the Schrdinger equation. It's especially exciting for game designers, letting us draw our ideas instead of hand coding them. As you start using WFC, you'll start to get a feel for how it transforms input patterns into output. Keywords: Wave Function Collapse, Procedural City Generation, Machine Learning, Generative Adversarial Network, 2.2 Artificial Intelligence application to Wave Function Collapse, 2. This coincides with the classical setting of classical mechanics! This method, called the Metropolis algorithm, is applicable to a wide range of Bayesian inference problems. Does this have something to do with quantum levels? At least, it does to me. For instance, the amplitude of the wave function drawn above at the green position in space is -1, that is, the point of distance 1 from the origin on its left. This trigonometric wave circles over all space, and is therefore spread over all space. In mathematical terms, this corresponds to saying that the collapsing of the wave function corresponds to a Markov chain. Then we'll walk through setting up WFC in javascript and the Unity game engine. Wave Function Collapse (WFC) by @exutumno is a new algorithm that can generate procedural patterns from a sample image. This corresponds to a Markov dynamics, where the probabilities of transitions towards other quantum states are defined by the current state. This article does. Required fields are marked *. In particular, there is no spreading relation between the position in the horizontal direction and the momentum in the vertical direction. It says that the wave function and the momentum space wave function cant be both localized. Recall that these waves are fields which map each point of space with a number. It starts with Kleineberg's core idea, and limits it to a one-dimensional grid a sentence, with grid locations for each word. The following figure shows a wave function rotating. OK But if physical wave functions arent trigonometric, how can we find their wavenumbers? This meta-data can be used by TWFC to propagate constraints and solve the entropies of kernels without having to determine them in a pre-compute step. A quantum state is defined by the wave function and the spin of the electron, which can be up or down. Great question! This prevents me from describing the spreading of position through time. So, can actual wave functions be trigonometric waves? We call this matching the momentum space wave function. In this article well see how a physics-based method can be used to secure online information. Drag prefabs onto the object on the heirarchy window. Your can now load your index with the url http://localhost:8999, Now let's feed the ImageData into an OverlappingModel. The "wave function collapse algo", which I would rather call the "entropy collapse algo", might work like so. By splitting an image into some uniform chunks called Kernels, the WFC algorithm can identify patterns that exist in the input sample and their rate of occurrence. Whats extremely weird is that this probabilistic distribution depends on whats being measured. I wonder how this algorithm could be applied to higher-order aspects of music notation. The final feature is backtracking. This implies that the wave function is nearly the trigonometric wave associated to the momentum at which the momentum space wave function is localized. Classically, the momentum is the velocity multiplied by the mass of the particle. These physical measures are associated to abstract mathematical objects called operators. When working with WFC, it's often a good idea to toggle Periodic Output on and off, checking if either setting influences the results in a favorable way. To conclude, let me recall the two major dynamics of wave functions. The square of the norm of the value of the momentum space wave function is the probability density function of finding the momenta in case of observation. In many cases, these values are discrete. Wave Function Collapse. Approach 1: Generative Adversarial Networks, 3. It may happen that during propagation all the coefficients for a certain pixel become zero. One of the interesting phenomena was that due to the increase in coverage with the MkWFC model, the number of constraints read would be almost double that of TWFC which will result in the increase of coverage of constraints in the output. Download a copy of wfc.js into your project folder. We'll start with a function that loads an image element, draws it to a temporary canvas, and extracts the ImageData. For example you could sprinkle some trees at random coordinates, draw roads with a brownian motion, and add rooms with a Binary Space Partition. It builds on the approach of model synthesis by dividing the model into smaller pieces and propagatingtheconstraintstoconstructacoherentmodel. WFC's special approach to constraint solving is a process of elimination. If youre not familiar with complex numbers, most of what you need to know is that each complex number is a dot in a plane, called the complex plane. Solid logging system capable of handling a variety of data collection needs, Added more automated control scripts that can execute the desired runs under desired conditions, Added a simple UI to allow for check-box options to toggle specific things on and off. Because js maps can only have string keys, we'll assume the color array has been joined with ":". As far as I understand, these interpretations provide explanations of why probability is involved. This corresponds to the relation $p=hk/(2\pi)$, where $p$ is the momentum, $h$ is the Planck constant and $k$ is the wavenumber. The project should have accounted for the need to compare large sets of data and built a .csv structure to simplify the analysis part. Fourier analysis is a fundamental theory in mathematics with an impressive field of applications. To perform the entropy resolution, an arbitrary pixel is selected in the output and assigned one of its possible color values. Assume the position is measured. The position of this localized wave function follows a probabilistic distribution whose density is the square of the norm of the wave function before it collapses. But on the other hand, it can be probabilistic. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. And add a Training component to it final game tiles have direction dependent graphics functionality. And a different observation is attempted 1 turn per second the output same quantum state collapses depends whats! Harmonic then is a probabilistic interpretation of the position space and momentum space wave function JavaScript your. A constraint solving algorithm named after the quantum physics wave superposition concept of in Electrons around the green position is one of the amplitude of the wave is uniquely decomposable an! 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